A blog for pets and their people

Our company was founded out of a desire to do better for the pets that enrich our lives in so many ways. Our blog is a place to honor those pets and the people who love them, with articles that cover topics including nutrition, mental and physical wellness, animal care, and more.

What Causes Sudden Aggression in Cats?

What Causes Sudden Aggression in Cats?

Animals don't do things without a reason, and cats are no exception. If your feline friend suddenly turns into a hissing, scratching, growling spitfire, there is a reason for this change in behavi …
Why Does My Dog Dig in the Carpet and Furniture?

Why Does My Dog Dig in the Carpet and Furniture?

The first time you caught your dog in the act you might have chuckled, then shaken your head with a wry smile on your face. Just another of those strange quirks of the animals we love so dearly. …
Why Is My Cat Losing His Whiskers?

Why Is My Cat Losing His Whiskers?

Cats can shed fur like crazy at certain times of the year, and some may even shed all year long. Did you know that cats can also shed or lose whiskers? The reasons behind whisker loss can range fr …
Why Do Tabby Cats Have an “M” on Their Forehead?

Why Do Tabby Cats Have an “M” on Their Forehead?

For some people, the term “tabby cat” conjures up an image of a rough looking alley cat living on the street. However, tabby is a coat pattern and not a breed of cat, and it's found in many pedigree k …
Why Is My Pet Pacing at Night, and What Can I Do?

Why Is My Pet Pacing at Night, and What Can I Do?

Have you ever been awakened by your dog pacing around at night? Suddenly you’re hearing those little toenails click, click, clicking on the hardwood floors while you’re trying to sleep. Do they ne …
Do Cats Like to Be Kissed?

Do Cats Like to Be Kissed?

For humans, the act of a kiss can mean many different things. We may use a kiss as a greeting, a sign of passion, an apology, or a sweet and innocent gesture. A kiss is a way for us to connect with on …
6 Surprising Facts about a Dog's Cowlicks

6 Surprising Facts about a Dog's Cowlicks

By Linda Cole Most of us have dealt with a stubborn lock of hair that can't be combed flat no matter what. But did you know that dogs also have cowlicks? These small patches of hair grow in a spi …
An Epsom Salt Bath Could Soothe Your Dog's Ailments

An Epsom Salt Bath Could Soothe Your Dog's Ailments

After a long day, there’s nothing as soothing as a soak in the bathtub. Whether bubbled, oiled, or scented, a hot bath can return exhausted people to human status. Add a dose of Epsom salt—yes the s …
Why is My Pet Suddenly So Clingy?

Why is My Pet Suddenly So Clingy?

As pet owners, we learn what our dog or cat wants primarily by paying attention to how they act. However, it's not always easy to understand what's going on when a change in behavior happens. Sometime …
Should I Trim My Dog's Whiskers?

Should I Trim My Dog's Whiskers?

Chances are you’ve never thought about your dog’s whiskers. However, many dog lovers have long debated the age-old question: To trim, or not to trim? Whiskers typically appear bilaterally on the …
What Happens if My Dog Eats Sand?

What Happens if My Dog Eats Sand?

Who doesn’t love a trip to the beach and the companionship of a good dog? Whether that stroll takes place at a lake, river, or ocean, part of the enjoyment is the familiar feel of bare feet pushing …
Why is My Dog Licking the Air?

Why is My Dog Licking the Air?

Body language is one way that dogs communicate what they want or how they feel. Some behaviors may seem trivial and unimportant to us, but that's not always true. Dogs usually have a reason for do …