What Do Dreams About Dogs Mean?

What does it mean when you dream about dogs?
In a dream state our subconscious often shows us scenes that appear perfectly normal and realistic at the time, but which can completely baffle us when we wake up in the morning. Some dog dream interpretations focus on their role as our companions and faithful best friends, and link their appearance to a message about friendship, loyalty, protection, instinct and generosity. The dog may symbolize you or someone in your life who exhibits these qualities. Alternatively, a dream about a dog may simply represent a memory of a real-life dog, perhaps a beloved childhood or current pet. Perhaps you're less worried about dog dreams, but wonder why your pet is keeping you up by pacing the room at night.How to analyze your dog dream
Start by keeping a notebook and pen next to your bed. As soon as you wake up, even if it’s in the middle of the night, write down as many details of your dream as possible. It’s important to capture as much as you can from your dream state before reading about any possible interpretations. The human mind is prone to bias, so reading about other people’s dog dreams may interfere with finding the true meaning of your dream. Secondly, think about what has been most on your mind lately. Are you worried about work, concerned about a loved one or stressed by a situation? We tend to dream about what we’re focusing on at any given time. Next, try to recall what the dog in your dream looked like, its temperament and what it was doing. Was the dog chasing a car or some animal, attacking you, digging a hole in the yard, sleeping, or trying to escape? Was the dog interacting with you or were you watching it from a distance? All these variables can influence the meaning of your dream.Dog symbolism in dreams
Dreams about dogs are often symbolic, so it is important to think about how they make you feel — both during the dream and after. Dream analysts believe they may be indicators of something you are hiding from others or even yourself, and that these messages can help you get to the root of your problems or feelings. Some people believe that different breeds of dogs represent different things. For example, dreams about Labradors or Golden Retrievers may mean that you’re searching for something in your life. Likewise, a dream about herding dogs such as Border Collies or German Shepherds may indicate that you’re feeling protective. Something as simple as the color of the dog may have significance. Dreams about black dogs suggest something may be awry: they can be seen as representing change in a relationship, dishonesty and betrayal. A brown dog appearing in a dream can mirror nurturing energy or perhaps even the introduction of a new friend. Unsurprisingly, for a color that is often associated with purity, dreams about white dogs are said to represent happiness, peace and spiritual growth. We're not sure what a dog with bad breath in your dreams means, but we sure know what causes bad breath in dogs and how to fix it through diet and other remedies.The spiritual meaning of dogs in dreams
If you believe in spirituality and feel connected to something beyond the limits of our senses, then dreams may be an important window into such a world. It has been suggested that our dreams may allow us to connect to a form of spiritual reality, and if that is the case then what is the spiritual significance of dreams about dogs? One interpretation is that dogs that come to you in your dreams are acting as animal spirit guides. This may mirror a strong connection you have with a dog, or could even be an unknown presence attempting to assist you. Others believe that dogs in dreams help to root energy and balance our chakras — the various focal points used in some meditation practices.
What do these common dog dreams represent?
There are some scenarios involving dogs that seem to occur frequently in many people’s dreams:Dreams About Being Bitten by a Dog
A dog trying to bite you in a dream could symbolize someone in your life who is being unkind, rude, or degrading. Think about who you feel threatened by at the moment, or if there is anyone who has been attacking or bothering you. Where the dog bites you can also be a clue: If it's on your leg, it could refer to a lack of balance in some aspect of your life. If the dog bites your hand this symbolizes disloyalty and betrayal.Barking dogs in dreams
The tone of the barking is what you need to pay attention to: Happy barking symbolizes a pleasant activity with others or being accepted into a social circle. A dog that is barking ferociously suggests you or someone else is being annoying, demanding or controlling. Angry barking can also symbolize someone who is grouchy, irritated or unhappy.Sick or dead dogs appearing in dreams
Dreaming of a sick dog or a dying dog symbolizes big changes in your personal life, dream analysts say. Whether these changes are already taking place, or the dream is a subconscious hint that you should be making these changes, depends on your interpretation. If the dream involves killing a dog this could suggest some deep-rooted emotional distress and a lack of control over certain aspects of your life.Dreams of aggressive dogs
A dog that is vicious and/or growling could indicate an inner conflict within yourself. It may also symbolize someone being unfaithful or untrustworthy. If the dog or pack of dogs are attacking you in the dream then this may suggest there are dominant energies, either at home or at work, that are not allowing you to be yourself.Dogs fighting in dreams
Dreaming of dogs fighting — whether it be as some kind of organized event or away from any human interference — can represent a feeling of imbalance in your life, and the idea that perhaps some changes are needed in order to feel more content.Dreams of puppies or happy dogs
Despite many common dreams involving dogs in negative situations, it’s important to remember that just as dogs bring joy to our lives, they often make our dreams happier too. A dream about a dog having puppies could represent your ability to nurture someone (a child or a friend) or something (a job or a relationship). Puppies being born can symbolize a parental or protective instinct. While there are always many potential interpretations, many dream analysts believe that dreaming of happy dogs shows you’re feeling good and optimistic about the future. If you haven’t already got a dog in your life, perhaps the dream is a hint that you should think about adopting one. Be sure to do your research first and check out some tips for adopting a dog.At CANIDAE® we certainly don’t call ourselves dream experts, but we do love the idea of having our dogs visit us in our sleep. And, if you should ever need to feed a dog in your dream, our healthy, balanced dog recipes will keep your nighttime visitor in good spirits. Who knows, this may even have a positive impact on the outcome of your dream! Sweet dreams... Want to know how to adopt a greener lifestyle with your pet? We can help. Read our post about sustainability and pet food. Also, read about our collaboration with the Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD) and find out what therapy dogs actually do.